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The topr package is a set of functions used to visualize, explore and annotate genetic association results. In particular, using only the chromosome, position and p-value of each variant in results dataframes, topr makes it easy to display gene annotations and multiple traits in a single manhattan plot. Other functionality includes regional plots & locus zoom plots.

Exploration with built-in data

The package comes with 3 sample datasets, namely CD_UKBB, CD_FINNGEN & UC_UKBB.

Let’s look at the CD_UKBB dataset:

#>   CHROM     POS          ID       REF ALT           P       OR      AF
#> 1  chr1 1006415 rs145588482 TGGCAGCTC   T 0.000468758 0.583384 0.01293
#> 2  chr1 1007256  rs76233940         G   A 0.000401567 0.579783 0.01301
#> 3  chr1 1341559 rs376494450         C   T 0.000151216 1.320130 0.02706
#> 4  chr1 1480224  rs71628972         A   G 0.000760160 1.412750 0.01319
#> 5  chr1 2035619 rs111334586         C   T 0.000920615 1.413370 0.01209
#> 6  chr1 2213349    rs262695         A   G 0.000881453 0.904873 0.32073

Note that while there are extra columns in the sample data, the only columns required for plotting are CHROM, POS and P.

Single dataset plotting


manhattan(CD_UKBB, annotate=5e-9)

regionplot(CD_UKBB, gene="IL23R")
#> [1] "Zoomed to region:  1:67038907-67359979"

Multiple dataset plotting

In addition to plotting a single dataset, topr can also plot multiple datasets in a single manhattan/region plot.

manhattan(list(CD_UKBB, CD_FINNGEN), legend_labels = c("UKBB", "FinnGen"))

regionplot(list(CD_UKBB, CD_FINNGEN), gene="IL23R", legend_labels = c("UKBB", "FinnGen"))
#> [1] "Zoomed to region:  1:67038907-67359979"

Other useful functions

Extract lead/index variants from the GWAS dataset (CD_UKBB):

get_lead_snps(CD_UKBB) %>%
  dplyr::arrange(P) %>%
#>     CHROM      POS          ID REF ALT           P       OR      AF
#> 6.1  chr6 31660620 rs148844907   T   A 1.47082e-24 2.433450 0.01034
#> 6.2  chr6 32205822 rs138753323   T   C 7.13519e-24 1.844850 0.02882
#> 16  chr16 50729867   rs2066847   G  GC 7.36933e-24 2.142320 0.01588
#> 1.1  chr1 67216513  rs11576518   G   A 8.03684e-20 0.777437 0.44081
#> 6.3  chr6 32708532 rs144614916   A   C 1.27821e-15 1.801210 0.01997
#> 7    chr7 50274703   rs2219345   T   G 8.52335e-14 1.230940 0.59313

Annotate the lead/index variants with their nearest gene & biotype:

get_lead_snps(CD_UKBB) %>%
  annotate_with_nearest_gene() %>%
  dplyr::arrange(P) %>%
#>     CHROM      POS          ID REF ALT           P       OR      AF Gene_Symbol
#> 6.1  chr6 31660620 rs148844907   T   A 1.47082e-24 2.433450 0.01034     C6orf47
#> 6.2  chr6 32205822 rs138753323   T   C 7.13519e-24 1.844850 0.02882      NOTCH4
#> 16  chr16 50729867   rs2066847   G  GC 7.36933e-24 2.142320 0.01588        NOD2
#> 1.1  chr1 67216513  rs11576518   G   A 8.03684e-20 0.777437 0.44081    C1orf141
#> 6.3  chr6 32708532 rs144614916   A   C 1.27821e-15 1.801210 0.01997     MTCO3P1
#> 7    chr7 50274703   rs2219345   T   G 8.52335e-14 1.230940 0.59313       IKZF1
#>                    biotype
#> 6.1         protein_coding
#> 6.2         protein_coding
#> 16          protein_coding
#> 1.1         protein_coding
#> 6.3 unprocessed_pseudogene
#> 7           protein_coding

Get genomic coordinates for a gene (topr uses genome build GRCh38.p13 by default):

#>   chrom gene_start gene_end gene_symbol        biotype
#> 1     1   67138907 67259979       IL23R protein_coding

Get genomic coordinates for a gene using genome build GRCh37 instead.

get_gene_coords("IL23R", build="37")
#>   chrom gene_start gene_end gene_symbol        biotype
#> 1     1   67632083 67725662       IL23R protein_coding

Get snps within a region:

get_snps_within_region(CD_UKBB, region="chr1:67138906-67259979") %>%
#>   CHROM      POS         ID REF ALT           P       OR      AF
#> 1  chr1 67139451 rs10789224   T   C 3.11449e-09 0.837104 0.31415
#> 2  chr1 67140456  rs1158199   T   C 3.65767e-04 1.101210 0.53528
#> 3  chr1 67141399  rs9729046   C   G 3.91140e-06 0.875025 0.34477
#> 4  chr1 67141452   rs736197   G   T 3.91082e-06 0.875021 0.34477
#> 5  chr1 67142417 rs11582178   C   T 5.10929e-10 0.613183 0.04768
#> 6  chr1 67143664   rs963427   A   G 3.36454e-06 0.874194 0.34362

Get the top variant on a chromosome:

get_top_snp(CD_UKBB, chr="chr1")
#>   CHROM      POS         ID REF ALT           P       OR      AF
#> 1  chr1 67216513 rs11576518   G   A 8.03684e-20 0.777437 0.44081

Create a snpset by extracting the top/lead variants from the CD_UKBB dataset and overlapping variants (by position) in the CD_FINNGEN dataset.

get_snpset(CD_UKBB, CD_FINNGEN)
#> $matched
#>   CHROM       POS REF1 ALT1          P1        E1 REF2 ALT2          P2
#> 1     1 206770623    C    A 7.85424e-09 0.2021732    C    A 1.22098e-04
#> 2    16  50729867    G   GC 7.36933e-24 0.7618894    G   GC 1.49882e-09
#> 3     5  40439961    C    T 7.42668e-11 0.1818381    C    T 2.80350e-13
#> 4     5 159399784    C    A 7.12812e-09 0.1680029    C    A 2.37432e-05
#> 5     1  67216513    A    G 8.03684e-20 0.2517527    A    G 1.04321e-08
#>         E2         ID Gene_Symbol        biotype
#> 1 0.130601  rs3024493        IL10 protein_coding
#> 2 0.530875  rs2066847        NOD2 protein_coding
#> 3 0.187984  rs7713270       TTC33 protein_coding
#> 4 0.114921  rs6871626       IL12B protein_coding
#> 5 0.146556 rs11576518    C1orf141 protein_coding
#> $snp_not_found_in_df2
#>     CHROM       POS REF1 ALT1          P1         E1      ID_tmp
#> 2.2     2  39590816    G    C 2.13296e-08  0.1589079  2_39590816
#> 2.1     2 233237298    A    C 1.70216e-09  0.1628839 2_233237298
#> 6.1     6  31660620    T    A 1.47082e-24  0.8893100  6_31660620
#> 6.2     6  32205822    T    C 7.13519e-24  0.6123980  6_32205822
#> 6.3     6  32708532    A    C 1.27821e-15  0.5884587  6_32708532
#> 7       7  50274703    T    G 8.52335e-14  0.2077781  7_50274703
#> 9       9   4984530    G    C 5.03745e-11 -0.1833112   9_4984530
#> $snp_found_different_alleles_in_df2
#>  [1] CHROM  POS    REF1   ALT1   P1     E1     REF2   ALT2   P2     E2    
#> [11] ID     ID_tmp
#> <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)